Sunday, December 5, 2010

Questions of Faith - Part Three

What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

"Culture - a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period" This dictionary definition of culture doesn't quite give a full insight into what a real culture is. Cultures are rich and filled with tradition. Culture is powerful, meaning full, and vital to a countries nationalism. Culture gives it's claimers a sense of identity and passion. A culture is swollen with emotion and pride. However, some cultures hold a nasty side, much like the Sawi culture.

The Sawi live by treachery, deceit, and brutality. They enjoy misery and murder, as well as feasting on their victims. The Sawi culture is based on deception and cannibalism. This culture is wicked and twisted to the ends of the spectrum. Some would say that this is an unredeemable culture, however, that is never an option. For missionaries and believers like Don Richardson, each new culture is like a new field of sago, ready for the harvest.

Don Richardson was someone who was confronted, head on, by an opposing culture. However, unlike the many who would turn and run from such savagery, he loved them and continued to pour out Christ onto the seeds of their souls. Even when it seemed hopeless, Don never gave up, he handed up his worries to God, and God showed himself in miraculous ways. Through Don's ministry, a whole culture was watered by God's grace, and eventually it grew this savage and untamed culture into shining children of Christ. Don's leap of faith has shown the world how we should act towards a confronting culture.

There are hundreds of different cultures, some are very similar, while others are complete opposites. Often times these opposites conflict and cause counter-cultural confrontation. When we are confronted with other cultures that we can't accept, the only thing to do is reach out in love. In doing this and showing the unending mercy from God, we can shine a radiant light through our lives that, by God's hand, will touch everyones heart. Sometimes it's all we can do, and more often than not, it's enough for an almighty God!

1 comment:

  1. So very true. Your understanding of Don's mission work is deeply profound.
